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Latin American Cities Safer Than You Think

In an era where safety metrics have become an increasingly critical aspect in deciding where to live, surprising new data shows that a number of Latin American cities are safer than their U.S. counterparts. According to data compiled by Latino Metrics, the homicide rates in several Latin American cities are lower than those in major American cities like Philadelphia, Dallas, and even Las Vegas. If you’re considering a move or looking to diversify your lifestyle, it’s time to look south of the border with a fresh perspective. While the reputations of some Latin American cities still suffer due to past violence, the reality has changed dramatically.

What the Data Reveals

In a detailed analysis, Latino Metrics has unveiled some eye-opening statistics regarding safety in Latin America compared to the United States. They showed that cities like Bogota, Colombia has experienced more than a 50% reduction in homicides since the turn of the century, with the rate falling from 80 per 100,000 residents in 1993 to about 15 per 100,000 in recent years.

Mexico City‘s homicide rate has stabilized, registering around 12 homicides per 100,000 people, which is lower than some major American cities like Baltimore, which has a rate of over 50 homicides per 100,000 residents.

Violent crimes such as armed robbery and assault have also seen a decline. In Bogota, armed robbery cases fell by 25% between 2015 and 2020, signaling an improvement in public safety. Meanwhile, in the United States, cities like Chicago experienced an increase in violent crimes by nearly 5% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

Bogota, Colombia
Bogota, Colombia

Financial Advantages in Latin America

Many Americans are flocking to states like Texas for lower taxes, but according to the data, they might be better off considering Latin American options for even more financial benefits. Countries like Panama offer enticing tax advantages to expats, and moving there could also mean enjoying a safer environment than some U.S. cities.

Latin American countries often offer residence permits based on income, and with proper tax planning, you can dramatically lower both state and federal taxes. In essence, there’s a win-win scenario of financial stability and increased safety awaiting south of the border.

Diversifying Life with Latin American Residencies

The world is a book, and staying in one country is akin to reading only one page. Latin American countries offer various residency options that can serve as a Plan B if the need arises. You can apply for a residence permit based on income, or in countries like Colombia and Brazil, through an investment in the lower six figures. Obtaining a residence permit in Latin America has become more accessible, presenting an excellent opportunity for those seeking safety, financial advantages, or simply a change of scenery.

By reevaluating long-standing assumptions about safety in Latin America, you open yourself up to new possibilities, both financially and in terms of personal well-being. The numbers don’t lie, and perhaps it’s time to broaden your horizons.